Sun, 5 June 2022
Good friend, Pearse Redmond, returns to the show to talk about the new cinema sensation “Top Gun Maverick”. What military PR was present in this film, and what of Scientology? Find out what Pearse and Aaron have to say about these things on this podcast. Topics include: release dates, movie theaters, Tom Cruise, Covid delay, Memorial Day weekend, intro to the film, the enemy, military propaganda aspect, live filming fighter jets, homoeroticism of first film, 80s styling, uranium enrichment target, Iran, Tony Scott, fictionalized fighter jet mission, Star Wars scenario, Rooster character, Scientology benefit from film, PR, Navy ties to L Ron Hubbard, Sea Org, real life bombing missions, Battle of Los Angeles
Direct download: 353_Pearse_Redmond_guest_Top_Gun_Maverick_movie_review.mp3
Category:movie review -- posted at: 10:12pm EDT |
Sun, 26 July 2015
Transformers: Age of Extinction is the fourth in the current series of Transformers films. On this podcast, Adam and Aaron try to understand if this is an anti-establishment film. That would be odd seeing as how previous films in the Transformers series were made in partnership with the United States Air Force. Topics include: previous Transformers films, USAF, military collaboration, Michael Bay, Steven Spielberg, establishment vilified, CIA, Kelsey Grammer, transformium, nanotech, product placement, corruption, MIC, Steve Jobs, Ray Kurzweil, government and industry cooperation, technological development, terrorism, 3D films, trance state of consciousness, dream, subconscious, bad reviews, overload of action, Battleship, conspiracy, counterculture, how to make big changes, confusion, identification, China, Snowden, Mark Wahlberg, younger audience, revolutionary ideas, emotional response, relationships, overcompensation, engendering trust, dinobots, revisionist history, aliens, John Goodman, betrayal, inventors, sociopaths, hippies
Direct download: Themes_and_Memes_ep10_Transformers_Age_of_Extinction_movie_review.mp3
Category:movie review -- posted at: 3:32pm EDT |
Tue, 16 June 2015
On this installment of Themes and Memes Adam and Aaron review The Brotherhood of the Bell, a made for TV film that is well known in alternative media. This podcast is in the same vain as the previous episode which was a review of Rosemary's Baby. The theme of secret society membership, and more specifically how to break from the cult and expose it, is explored here. Topics include: secret societies, Skull and Bones, cults, discrediting whistleblowers, mystique, Freemasonry, burden of proof, emotional distress, psychology, bells, initiation ritual, hand symbolism, dependency on establishment, vanity, FBI, shield, government seals, ideals, daytime television, talk show, audience, extremists, conspiracy, diverting attention, George W Bush, John Kerry, homeless people, paying dues, alternative media, manipulation
Direct download: Themes_and_Memes_ep9_Brotherhood_of_the_Bell-custom_podcasting_MP3.mp3
Category:movie review -- posted at: 12:16pm EDT |
Tue, 16 June 2015
On this installment of Themes and Memes Adam and Aaron review the original 1968 version of Rosemary's Baby by infamous director Roman Polanski. At the least this film points out some very real aspects of cult behavior, but to what extent are the darker occult practices it portrays real? Topics include: cults, 1960s, sexual revolution, witches coven, occult rituals, sex magic, Aleister Crowley, black magic, dreams, consciousness, confusion, psychology, fragility of human psyche, Roman Polanski, satanism
Direct download: Themes_and_Memes_ep8_Rosemarys_Baby.mp3
Category:movie review -- posted at: 12:13pm EDT |
Tue, 16 June 2015
On this installment of Themes and Memes Adam and Aaron review the movie The Machine. This is yet another film about artificial intelligence development, but is unique in that it portrays transhuman technologies being developed by the military. Do independent productions tell the truth while Hollywood deceives, or is there more to the story than that? Topics include: recurring memes, similar films, military, Ai, artificial intelligence, human enhancement technologies, converging technologies, test on veterans, government testing, cold war with China, Hugo de Garis, Ben Goertzel, confusion, intelligence tactics, cognitive dissonance, counterintelligence, public affairs, purpose of the podcast, underground facility, recruitment, ambiguous love interest, family, father, mother, daughter, brain child, plot, background check, area 6, old woman, death and rebirth, mind uploading, machine consciousness, ritual, Vincent, Ava, ethics, corruption, archetypes, character development, transhumanism, killing machine, emotion, sun rise, new day, machine brought to life, Tron Legacy, Bladerunner, music, soundtrack, good overcoming evil, overthrowing the creator, creation coming into godhood, occult, speech, synthetic telepathy, communication, movies with parallel themes released simultaneously, alchemy, demographics, muses, changing values
Direct download: Themes_and_Memes_ep7_The_Machine.mp3
Category:movie review -- posted at: 12:09pm EDT |
Tue, 16 June 2015
On this installment of Themes and Memes Adam and Aaron review the movie Transcendence. Johnny Depp stars as a Kurzweil-like Ai researcher who is assassinated only to be given second life by uploading his consciousness into a machine. What seems to be an obvious Singularity sales pitch has a bit of a twist. Topics include: Johnny Depp, Will Caster, Ai researcher, uploading consiousness into computer, quantum computing, TED, neo-luddites, RIFT, Ray Kurzweil, artificial intelligence, transhumanism, singularity, radical, dialectic, debate, bad reviews, sci-fi, Hugo de Garis, Max Waters, name meanings, magician, Castor and Pollux, mythology, gemini, Brightwood, ash, Evelyn, life giving, sunflower, DoD, government money, independent research, transhuman project, humanitarian goals, internet, underground base, solar panels, resurrection, Jesus, nanotechnology, superhuman strength, drones, hive mind, collective, retain individuality, playing to innate fears, use of established tropes, the Borg, military, FBI, shifting allegiances, digital consciousness, nanites, rebuild and upgrade, tragedy, reversal of antagonists, moral ambiguity, incite guilt in audience, nature, Aubrey de Grey, tech hippie, garden, apocalypse, water
Direct download: Themes_and_Memes_ep6_Transcendence.mp3
Category:movie review -- posted at: 12:04pm EDT |
Tue, 16 June 2015
On this installment of Themes and Memes Adam and Aaron review the movie Her. By far the best movie reviewed on this podcast to date, Her is a film that addresses many complex issues. This film is set in the near future, but is quite obviously a commentary on our current situation, specifically the relationship between humans and their machines. topics include: Spike Jonze, occult symbolism, alchemy, reproduction, brain child, idea made manifest, spiritual journey, sexual energies, American Beauty, disenfranchised male, virility, Spirit boat, water, ship, multilayered meaning, 7 layers, religion, saviors, messianic complex, saving yourself, converging technologies, subconscious, secret life, intimacy, surrogate sex partner, avatars, real dolls, psychology, personality types, meaning of names, Samantha, Theodore, listener, gift, god, idolatry, man in love with his own creation, technology as a crutch, honesty, introspection, art of multiplication, escapism, fantasy
Direct download: Themes_and_Memes_ep5_Her_part_2.mp3
Category:movie review -- posted at: 12:02pm EDT |
Mon, 25 May 2015
On this installment of Themes and Memes Adam and Aaron review the movie Her. By far the best movie reviewed on this podcast to date, Her is a film that addresses many complex issues. This film is set in the near future, but is quite obviously a commentary on our current situation, specifically the relationship between humans and their machines. Topics include: human relationships with machines, artificial intelligence, Ai, AGI, computer products, human relationships, loneliness, disconnect, fragility of human condition, sexuality, search for genuine, philosophy, Scarlet Johansson, Joaquin Phoenix, emotional issues, identity, ascension, seasons, attachment, romantic relationships, self reflection, dependence on technology, virtual vs real, video games, alienation, cell phones, neurosis, communication, emotional intelligence, male and female, divine feminine, alchemical marriage, archetypes, symbolism, spirit, dating, Olivia Wilde, baggage, working on self, moving beyond your past, acknowledge faults, psyche, dysfunctional relationship, spirituality, transhumanism, materialism, inability to understand Ai motives, art direction, retro look, Alan Watts, upload consciousness to machine, Ray Kurzweil, transhuman agendas, idealism, evolution |
Mon, 25 May 2015
On this installment of Themes and Memes Adam and Aaron review the movie Now You See Me. This is a film about four stage magicians whose rise to prominence involves a mesmerizing bank robbery. Their act has everything to do with initiation into an elite secret society called The Eye. What sort of occult messages are hidden within this Hollywood blockbuster? Listen to Themes and Memes to find out. Topics include: magic, stage magic, magicians, tarot cards, Las Vegas, 4 Horsemen, apocalypse, money, rob bank, free the slaves, occult, secret societies, the eye, initiation ritual, Morgan Freeman, Mark Ruffalo, sleight of hand, stage, altar to Dionysus, drama, Eyes Wide Shut, leap of faith, action film, genre, appeal to wide audience, change the world, alchemy, adepts, carousel, light, The Fool, wise man, detachment, double meanings, zodiac, misdirection, death and rebirth, ego, the destroyer, truth, charlatans, Eisenberg, wit, take from rich give to poor, New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina, justice, Freemasonry, benevolence, Paris, lock and key, reveal credits, Boaz Yakin, pseudonym, twin pillars, temple gate, water, symbolism, masculine and feminine, science tied to mystery tradition, hidden in plain sight, subtlety, allegory
Direct download: Themes_and_Memes_ep4_Now_You_See_Me-custom_podcasting_MP3.mp3
Category:movie review -- posted at: 2:36pm EDT |
Mon, 25 May 2015
On this installment of Themes and Memes Adam and Aaron review the movie Assault on Wall Street. In the film a man loses it all, and decides to exact revenge against the Wall Street based financial system that ruined his life. He gains his vengeance by going on a mass killing spree. Is this meant to be a radical revolutionary example for real people to emulate? Topics include: Assault on Wall Street, movie, action, film, review, stock, insurance, mortgage bubble, character, archetype, every man, instincts, emotions, identification, real problems, poverty, financial crash, economics, depression, stock market, news clips, Bush, Obama, reality, Occupy Wall Street, violence, revolutionary rhetoric, patriot movement, banking system, police, corruption, justice, antihero, vigilante, morality, indiscriminate killing, mass shooting, Washington sniper, video game, frustration, end speech, Huxley Investments, CEO, Social Darwinism, greed, America, Rockefeller, conspiratorial view of history, capitalism, counterculture, mind control, evocative themes, catharsis, Guy Fawkes mask, Anonymous, strange scenes, demographics, mainstream, Purple Pill, revolution, intelligentsia, change, social collapse, Christianity, pastors speech, passive to aggressive, terrorism, suicide, terrible movie, triggers
Direct download: Themes_and_Memes_ep3_Assault_on_Wall_Street.mp3
Category:movie review -- posted at: 2:33pm EDT |
Mon, 25 May 2015
This is the first episode of the new podcast series, Themes and Memes. Hosted by Aaron and Adam the podcast will consist mainly of movie reviews. Each episode will focus on uncovering the predictive programming elements of a certain movie. The movie being reviewed here is Elysium. Topics include: Themes and Memes, first episode, movies, popular culture, films, culture, ideas, Elysium, review, future of humanity, transhumanism, predictive programming, turmoil, revolution, overpopulation, pollution, Los Angeles, language, climate change, perception, ruling elite, pentagram, steering wheel, hand symbolism, science fiction, space travel, medical science, life extension, biotech, genetics, Google, Silicon Valley, resource based economy, social stratification, hero, Matt Damon, slavery, 2154, Strat Trends document, crime, Jodie Foster, female authority, secretary of state, homeland security, protect children, robotic exoskeleton, DARPA, Kruger, Neill Blomkamp, District 9, bureaucrat, minion of system, betrayal, vaccinations, pills, pacification, THX 1138, robots, degradation, dehumanization, police state, unmanned drones, surveillance, director's statements, Carlyle, MIC, names, CHEMRAIL, chemtrails, decapitation, Greek mythology, symbolism, occult, esoteric, Elysian Fields, heaven, language, Rome, Latin, Greek, Spanish, educated elite, Medusa, serpents, knowledge, medicine, immortality, Kruger, raven, Apollo, surveillance, death, sun god, hero, radiation, Matt Damon, fire, sacrifice, solar power, savior, Leo astrological sign, courage, Max name, free the slaves, plot devices, Los Angeles, social stratification, Mexico and California, decapitation, rebirth, head, brain implant, skull, temple, crown chakra, cryptography, year 2030, dates, numerology, Pythagoras, math and science, intelligence, MRC, Rosicrucian, mercy, religion, benevolent dictators, actual present masked as future narrative
Direct download: Themes_and_Memes_ep2_Elysium_Hour_2.mp3
Category:movie review -- posted at: 2:26pm EDT |
Fri, 20 March 2015
Please note that Themes and Memes has a new dedicated feed and website. Be sure to check out and subscibe to the feed as future episodes will be posted there exclusively.
Direct download: Themes_and_Memes_ep16_Jupiter_Ascending.mp3
Category:movie review -- posted at: 1:34am EDT |
Wed, 18 February 2015
In this episode of Themes and Memes Adam and Aaron take a trip down memory lane as they talk about a number of films that they watched in their younger days. Many classics from the 80s and 90s are looked at in terms of predicitive programming and culture creation.
topics include: Short Circuit, MIC, occult, lightning, alchemy, gold, Terminator, Terminator 2, James Cameron, machines, transhumanism, Ai, film franchises, Aliens, Transformers, Optimus Prime, cartoons, trauma, arrested development, independent films, color, Top Gun, Navy, Tony Scott, suicide, homosexuality, Jurassic Park, genetic engineering, remakes, Total Recall, Judge Dredd, changing morality, Lion King, caste system, Social Darwinism, Disney, mind control, 1993, Jacques Ellul, propaganda, ideas as resources, subconscious
Direct download: Themes_and_Memes_ep_15_A_look_back_to_past_movies.mp3
Category:movie review -- posted at: 1:01pm EDT |
Wed, 17 December 2014
This is a special episode of Themes and Memes. Adam and Aaron recap the films that they reviewed this year as they try to draw out the most important themes and memes that repeated throughout many different movies. Why might it be that certain genres, ideas and actors are so popular now?
Direct download: Themes_and_Memes_ep14_Year_in_Review_2014.mp3
Category:movie review -- posted at: 1:27am EDT |
Sun, 23 November 2014
Another transhuman themed film is reviewed here by Adam and Aaron on the Themes and Memes podcast. Recently we saw Johnny Depp in a starring role and now we have Scarlett Johansson playing the lead role. Not unlike Transcendence, Lucy fails as a film, but at least it has sex appeal. It also has an abundance of occult symbolism crammed in for people to think about alongside all of the transhumanist memes.
Topics include: editing, sensory overload, television, MTV, first human, Morgan Freeman, evolution, transhumanism, cognitive enhancement, superpowers, killing without remorse, feminism, pettiness of every day life, lack of conflict, Darwinism, neutropics, revolution, Julian Huxley, time travel, animal state of consciousness, liberation, reproduction or immortality, posthuman, psychopathy, CPH4, psychotropic drugs, human performance, overworked labor force, perfect system problematic humans, appeal to female audience, cult of celebrity, garnering mass audience, new style of filmmaking, Bernays, ethics of technology, NBIC report, social science, culture creation, occult, symbolic language, Lucifer, dark and light, matter, apotheosis, eye, torch, Princess Diana, goddess, LSD, Fall of Man, androgyny, Original Sin, lightning, Sistine Chapel, Garden of Eden, creator overthrown by creation, ascension, becoming a USB flash drive, Quantum Physics
Direct download: Themes_and_Memes_ep13_Lucy_movie_review.mp3
Category:movie review -- posted at: 4:17pm EDT |
Fri, 7 November 2014
Coming off the heels of the previous Themes and Memes podcast which was a review of Divergent Adam and Aaron now turn their sights to another recent teen novel dystopian film adaptation. Here they review the film The Giver. Topics include: school curriculum, teen dystopian novels, film adaptations, division of labor, emotions, receving knowledge, memories, violence, authortarian government, utopia, B.F. Skinner, Walden 2, Walden Lake, Henry David Thoreau, secret knowledge, communitarian, matriarchs, infanticide, presenting radical new images in movies, family, young audience, upcoming Themes and Memes podcasts Themes and Memes is a unique podcast, but it will be available through the Trans Resister Radio feed. It will also be available through Adam's website Be sure to subscribe, and share with others. Thank you all.
Direct download: Themes_and_Memes_ep12_The_Giver.mp3
Category:movie review -- posted at: 11:28pm EDT |
Thu, 30 October 2014
Another teen novel trilogy turned movie series is here. Divergent is reviewed by Adam and Aaron in this podcast. It seems that dystopian futures are all the rage amongst the youth these days. What predictive programming purpose might this and similar films be serving? Topics include: teen novel trilogies, The Hunger Games, targeting younger generation, predictive programming, memes, muses, entertainment, media, Brave New World, dystopia, factions, personality profiles, free choice, higher education, specialization, Erudite, Amity, Candor, Dauntless, Abnegation, government, warrior class, police, rebellion, elements, symbols, occult, all-seeing eye, hands, secret societies, justice, scales, fire, dreams, revolution, politics, scandal, initiation, dictatorship, transhumanism, human nature, mind control, martial law, technocracy, hive mind, intelligentsia, MIC, power structure, academia, think tanks, warning or promotion, science, white coated priesthood, social conditioning, Elysium, caste system, heroine, female lead, hand to hand combat, men fighting women, radical feminism, gender roles, blending of sexes, equality, waking up, suggestibility, Aldous Huxley, hypnotism, trance, meditation Themes and Memes is a unique podcast, but it will be available through the Trans Resister Radio feed. It will also be available through Adam's website Be sure to subscribe, and share with others. Thank you all.
Direct download: Themes_and_Memes_ep11_Divergent.mp3
Category:movie review -- posted at: 11:48pm EDT |