Sat, 21 January 2017
Aaron shares some of his thoughts on president Donald Trump, the Truth Movement, and where the "alternative" media may be heading. topics include: supporting Aaron, president Trump, anti-establishment president, alternative media, Age of Transitions team, technology, post truth world, sharing research material, Alt Right, alt media joining mainstream, right wing politics, fringe politics, racism, doublethink, Radical Islamic Terrorism, War on Terror, Truth Movement, civil liberties, foreign wars, Truthers as bad guys, Nazis, martial law, Trump the celebrity, political leaders need to relate to average person, population divided, self destruction, left right political paradigm
Mon, 2 January 2017
Can we accurately describe our world in cliches? Aaron takes a look at a popular phrase of our day to see if it holds up. topics include: what Aaron has been up to, podcasts, news stories, automation, human labor displacement, think tanks, Brookings, problems of philosophy, confusion, cliches, you can’t blame the world for your problems, social issues, dealing with the dark side, vacuous positivity, new age, media, negative thoughts considered bad, reality TV, The Voice, celebrity, fame, ego, making it to the top, Social Darwinism, USPS, toxic work environment, psychological disorders, suicide, bottomline results, going postal, stress related illnesses, blame the victim, lack of empathy, Jacques Ellul, world for machines, sensitive people, the system, angry mob
Direct download: 168_Can_You_Blame_the_World_for_Your_Problems_1.mp3
Category:social commentary -- posted at: 7:30pm EDT |