The Age of Transitions
Author and digital filmmaker Aaron Franz hosts this podcast about transhumanism, social manipulation, the occult, and much more.

Blake Lemoine burst onto the public scene a year and a half ago when he went public about his work on Google’s LaMDA system. In this interview, Blake talks about the current state of AI development, and our collective involvement in this massively important technological event. 

Topics include: Google, LLMs, AGI, AI, engineering jargon, LaMDA, chatbot, Gemini, evolution of search engines, safety protocols, sentience and consciousness, Pope’s sermon on AI and peace, philosophy, Silicon Valley, transhumanism, Ben Goertzel, Ray Kurzweil, Effective Altruism, Accelerationism, Techno-Utopians, Libertarianism, religion, cults, occult, Discordianism, Turing Test, Roko’s Basilisk, panic, Gary Marcus, low emotional intelligence and power, nerds, different characters of LaMDA, narratives, new kind of mind, faithful servant, AlphaGo, Sci fi worries not a real problem, AI as a human weapon, Golem, ethics, privileged access to advanced systems a real danger, MIC, The Gospel system of IDF, automation of worst aspects of human culture and society, artists sounding alarm

Direct download: 409_Blake_Lemoine_interview_The_Many_Mysteries_of_Our_AI_Present.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:06am EDT

It’s a vast, seemingly endless, digital wasteland out there. Somebody must be buying the quadrocopter harmonica drone kit, but does it really matter who?  

Topics include: planting Joshua Tree seedlings in Landers, pseudo confrontations online, virtual worlds, entertainment media, popularity, digital wasteland, disengagement, nebulous digital identities, bots, online wasteland, content for its own sake, click bait, endless products and ads, can’t hear sound effects, numbers, marketing, propaganda updates, automation thus far has forced human labor to speed up, John Wayne

Direct download: 408_the_world_wide_wasteland.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:17pm EDT

The world is an absolute horror show that can only be repaired by our wise and benevolent hand. The hand of God would do the same thing, and on that note, let’s make a whole new god. We can make it in our image, and it will be looking pretty good. Kind of makes you wonder how the hell anything got done around this dump before we showed up? 

Topics include: converging technologies, impossible to keep up, insane world, AI used in political elections, Project 2025, freedom, first and second amendments, MAGAC, privacy and online activity, law and order, silly Twitter debates, Herbivorize Predators, transhumanism, the world needs a naysayer, taking things for granted, Man vs Nature, death as a problem, life extension, anthropomorphic gods, religion, Great Work, apotheosis, immortality, continuum of the human race, schizo world, overstimulated, unplugging, online life, evolution of social media, convergence of all media, video games, gamer’s dreams come true, increased interactivity, generative AI, digital dementia, video game induced psychosis, virtual environments shape your very being, power of mind, intangible things have real power, life in VR could be sold as more sustainable, avoid physical waste by doing everything virtually, new religion, uploading consciousness, paradise engineering, no pain in heaven, simply observing

Direct download: 407_So_Many_Bad_Ideas_So_Little_Time.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:43am EDT