Mon, 26 July 2021
Saving the planet by leaving it, and other nonsensical rationalizations of the super rich and dirt poor alike. If the Earth is an island on the vast, endless, ocean of space, then it truly is a fantasy island. Topics include: Cremation of Care reading on Tea’s Weird Week podcast, Age of Transitions t-shirts, 2020, Jeff Bezos space voyage, Blue Origin, AoT comic, claiming to save the world, thanking Amazon employees and customers, public relations, super wealthy love of space travel, rationalizations, academics apologizing for billionaires, pollution, Bezos drove a Honda Accord, survival bunkers, autonomous systems, Dark Night of the Soul, life in quarantine, guilt for having free time, special interest narratives, mainstreaming of fringe topics, flying carpets, Aladdin’s Lamp, divide and conquer, Jimmy calls in, woke youth |
Mon, 19 July 2021
Sam Aydlette is the author of the book “Dancing With My Fate”. Being “a handbook about life and death”, some of Sam’s advice on these matters is shared on this podcast episode. Topics include: writing a book, philosophy, love of wisdom, rejecting purely objective interpretation of the world, truth seeking, irony, Trickster God, desire, social constructs, identity, alternative media, political campaigns, dominant minority, James Jesus Angleton, Paris Hilton, difficulty of lives of elite family members, hardship, realization that we are all the same, serving in military, overburdened with responsibilities in modern world, life and death
Direct download: 322_Sam_Aydlette_interview_Dancing_With_My_Fate.mp3
Category:interview -- posted at: 1:42am EDT |
Tue, 13 July 2021
Aaron covers some interesting stories from the tech world. Is the American Empire currently diminishing itself after years of being spread too thin? Topics include: t-shirts, DARPA FENCE program, biomimetics, neuromorphic cameras, MIC, camera lenses based on human eye, US Air Force partnership with Drone Racing League, video game recruitment centers, First Person View FPV, virtual reality, emerging technology, STEM projects funded by MIC, Robin calls in, Girl Scouts and Raytheon, American Empire, Silicon Valley, apps used by criminals, major corporations developing technology, Ai, public and private as one system, farmers allowed to fix their own machinery, employment shortage, automation, Covid may not go away completely, major economic changes, AGI not good for established special interests, dominant minority |
Tue, 6 July 2021
There are new t-shirts available, both The Age of Transitions and Ochelli Effect are on the website. Aaron also talks a bit about the McMillions documentary series. Topics include: tie dye, shirts, Ochelli Effect 2,000th episode, McDonald’s Monopoly game, scams, cheating, stolen game pieces, corruption |
Thu, 1 July 2021
Autonomous vehicles are becoming quite the hot topic these days. How long might it be before we see them on the road? Topics include: Boston Dynamics, Spot, package handling robots, Hyundai, robotics, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, Brookings Institution, Ford, fleet vehicles, rideshare companies, Uber, Google, Anthony Levandowski, Silicon Valley ethos, China, tech bros, legislation, California, population dynamics, urban areas
Direct download: 319_Think_Tanking_Autonomous_Vehicles_Into_Existence.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:35pm EDT |