Sat, 16 November 2019
We have heard a bit about Cold War 2.0, but what do we really know of it? What about the original Cold War? China and Russia both seem to be adversarial and friendly given what American is talking about them, and in what context. topics include: geopolitics, economics, foreign policy, technology, government, propaganda, insular nations, internet, military
Direct download: 252_The_Bizarre_Love_Triangle_of_Cold_War_20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:16pm EDT |
Sat, 16 November 2019
The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence just had a large press event at the unveiling of draft of their upcoming report. This is one of the first public political events marking a major shift in the American establishment and geopolitics as they are effected by technology. topics include: NSCAI, US government, military, MIC, Silicon Valley, SRI, Carnegie Mellon, In-Q-Tel, Alphabet, Google, Amazon, Eric Schmidt, Henry Kissinger, machine learning, deep learning, defense, China, Russia, war, propaganda
Direct download: 251_What_Is_The_National_Security_Commission_on_Artificial_Intelligence.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:11pm EDT |