The Age of Transitions
Author and digital filmmaker Aaron Franz hosts this podcast about transhumanism, social manipulation, the occult, and much more.

Marc Andreessen isn’t just some stuck up old one percenter. He’s a lot like you and me, hatin’ on the Malthusian globalists who want to control the world with population reducing environmentalism. Jump on board the Techno-Optimist train today to arrive in Abundance Town tomorrow!

Topics include: Dallas trip, taking stock, Revolve book, transhumanism, converging technologies, esoteric side of technology, alchemy, religion, occult, alternative and fringe groups, conspiracy minded billionaires, Marc Andreessen, Silicon Valley, tech industry, Techno-Optimist Manifesto, one percenters, contrarian thinking, link between tangible and intangible, leisure time afforded by wealth, population levels, Libertarian ideology, Accelerationism, Philosopher’s Stone, abundance, dominant minority, market structures suit those in power, CEOs and politicians are lackeys, insider trading, artists, philosophy, technological supermen, Nietzsche, sustainable development, Limits of Growth, Club of Rome, Agenda 21, climate change, global warming, First Global Revolution, Malthusian view, nihilism, the Dying God, artifice, intelligence, perpetual motion, radio spots, hopeless pandering to potential employers

Direct download: 403_Marc_Andreessen_Techno_Optimist_Manifesto.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:36am EDT

We are too slow to catch up to the world now that it has begun learning how to run itself. 

Topics include: American foreign policy, propaganda from multiple sources, influence operations, technology, drone warfare, inexpensive weapons, old songs, meme culture, intellectual property, virtual worlds, convergence of all media, AI imagery, artificial intelligence, prompts, social media, YouTube houses, shock jock TV shows, Subway franchising, entrenched establishments won’t adapt fast enough, F35, Silicon Valley, waste became the establishment, pollution, lack of efficiency, defense budget woes, machine automation, economy, impossibility of eliminating debt, brokering debt dissolution deals, computer hacking cyber attacks, economic information deleted

Direct download: 402_wasting_away_the_american_way.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:16am EDT

Retail crime is making headlines these days. Are retail stores doomed, or is the future of retail just around the corner? 

Topics include: live show, anti-trust lawsuits against tech companies, retail theft, fear of crime, future retail store, brick and mortar vs online retail, warehouse, interactive displays, augmented reality, AI customer service, Game Theory, autonomous machines, surveillance, privacy, MAGA, Hillary Clinton, presidential election, violent rhetoric

Direct download: 401_the_future_of_retail.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:06am EDT

It’s the four hundredth episode of The Age of Transitions podcast.

Topics include: Newt Gingrich, Age of Transitions essay, America, politicking, media, dueling narratives, civil rights movement history, BLM, scapegoats, crime, racism, alternative media, perceptions as reality

Direct download: 400_Super_four_hundred_party_supreme.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:39am EDT

Influence operations have made us go to war with ourselves. 

Topics include: cyber security, national security, digital terror attack, war propaganda, torture, Guantanamo Bay, 9/11 trials, Saudi Arabia, New World Order, technology, weapons, AI, influence operations, China, civil war, no ideological cohesion, gates, meta verse, virtual reality, converging media, entertainment, brutal justice

Direct download: 399_Influence_Ops_Prop_Shop.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:06am EDT