Tue, 31 March 2015
In this interview Pearse Redmond shares some of his research and thoughts on Scientology and cults in general. What is a destructive cult, and why would anyone join one in the first place? A better question might be: what pseudo-cults have I, myself been involved in, and to what extent? Human nature is ours, but it is also the Garden from which the guru attempts to pick Forbidden Fruit.
Topics include: cults, Scientology, Tom Cruise, Hollywood, Going Clear, destructive cults, religion, Sea Org, gurus, L Ron Hubbard, CIA, Unification Church, Moonies, Radio Free Asia, Operation Snow White, IRS, tax exempt, David Miscavige, SRI, saving the world, Peoples Temple, hypnotism, terrorism, brainwashing, blame the victim, superhuman powers, engrams, auditing, conception, abortion, Dianetics, occult, Alesiter Crowley, magic, celebrities, secret societies, pseudo-cults, Alcoholics Anonymous, groupthink, elections, children, instant acceptance, guilt, disconnection, illusion of no personal control, depression, internet, political cults, alt media, 9/11 truth, National Socialism, looking for answers, Libertarianism, Stephan Molyneux, DeFooing, shut out family, Gold Standard, absolutism, advertising, changing labels, branding, racism, exploitation
Direct download: 124_Pearse_Redmond_interview_Scientology_and_other_cults.mp3
Category:interview -- posted at: 12:18am EDT |
Wed, 25 March 2015
What appeared to be a grassroots protest rallying against the dangers of artificial intelligence was no more than a marketing stunt. One designed to sell an online dating app of all things. The inability to understand abstract ideas has led us to a point where marketing holds tremendous sway over our lives. topics include: Stop the Robots, SXSW, marketing, artificial intelligence, grassroots movements, Adam Mason, media, protests, politics, counter-intelligence, infiltration, admitting our faults, transhumanism, Ray Kurzweil, attention, ideas, images, alchemy, mystique, subjectivity vs objectivity, perception, rationalization, Four Arguments For the Elimination of Television, Jerry, Mander, seeing is believing, subconscious, mind, abstract concepts
Direct download: 123_Ai_Protest_Marketing_Scheme.mp3
Category:social commentary -- posted at: 1:25am EDT |
Fri, 20 March 2015
Please note that Themes and Memes has a new dedicated feed and website. Be sure to check out tmpodcast.com and subscibe to the feed as future episodes will be posted there exclusively.
Direct download: Themes_and_Memes_ep16_Jupiter_Ascending.mp3
Category:movie review -- posted at: 1:34am EDT |
Wed, 11 March 2015
Aaron gives some added points on past podcasts. The World Stage concept continues to be important in its relation to what is said here. topics include: Carlisle PA, Carlisle Indian Industrial School, Jim Thorpe, Great Sioux War, Benjamin Franklin, David Lynch, Andy Kaufman, performance art, trickster spirit, nothing is real, transcendental meditation, cosmic consciousness, truth, relief, relaxation, religion, cults, Michael Richards, Laurel Canyon, Dennis Hopper, Laura Dern, Bruce Dern, films, Hollywood, Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive. |
Mon, 2 March 2015
Nazi Sympathy and Racism in Alt Media, Roundtable discussion with Thomas Sheridan, Tom Secker, Adam and Aaron, TRR#121
This is a special roundtable discussion featuring Thomas Sheridan, Tom Secker, and Adam of Themes and Memes. Aaron Franz hosts, and the topic at hand is the rise of Race Politics in the alternative media. Why is it that alt media has taken such a dark turn, and what can the rest of us do about it? topics include: racism, alternative, Truth Movement, psychology, frustration, psychic energy, Russell Brand, Adolf Hitler, National Socialism, midlife crisis, no resolution, masculine and feminine, dialectic, far right politics, Nazi Sympathy, revisionist history, personal values, obsession with disaster, sincerity, drug addiction, White Nationalism, division, mainstream recognition, self destruction, complexity, human nature, dogma, simple identity, reassessing self, need to belong, extended adolescence, The Greatest Story Never Told, emotive music, Hallmark commercial for Third Reich, Transformers score, WW2, narrative, Stalingrad, German people, Poland, distorted logic, truth documentaries, futurism, Nazi flying saucers, Nazi Bell, propaganda, Goebbels, taking allegory as literal, cults, ideals, synchronicity, Walpurgis Night, confronting history, ideological vacuum, idealizing the past, virility, doublethink, confusion, Nuremburg Racial Laws, play the victim, race politics, slavery, preserving culture, multiculturalism, cultural laws, authoritarian government, complexity, sectarianism, Downfall film
Direct download: 121_Nazi_Sympathy_and_Racism_in_Alt_Media_Roundtable_discussion_with_Thomas_Sheridan_Tom_Secker_Adam_and_Aaron.mp3
Category:roundtable discussion -- posted at: 11:08pm EDT |