Mon, 25 October 2021
The metaverse is upon us. Born out of MMO gaming, e-commerce and social media, this latest iteration of virtual reality is sure to be the next big thing. Topics include: listeners comments, escaping rabbit holes, metaverse, virtual worlds, MMO games, online culture, evolution of technology and communications, convergence, social media, Facebook, Second Life occult symbolism, gaming, knowledge of coding not necessary when platforms have advance user interface, Generation Z not actually tech literate, Jimmy James, transhumanism, uploading consciousness to a machine, surreal problems with emerging technologies, machine learning, Abba band virtual concerts, symbolism of the seasons, working remotely, many online personas, living through IT, virtual travel, Ai will take over creation of new IT in future, human loss of control over creation, automation, possibility of machine empathy, reactionary forces that will happen in face of Ai advancement, technology perfects itself, Paris Hilton, inability to forget anything |
Fri, 22 October 2021
Talking about crazy things sometimes gives off the impression that the speaker, is themself, crazy. Topics include: interconnected system, crazy talk, Revolve book, converging technology, guest spots on radio shows, networking with other media producers, ACR, consistent book sales, self publishing, investment of time, impacting public discourse, art, global supply chain issues, vehicle market, inflation, war, factions within deep state, politicians |
Sun, 3 October 2021
Finishing up the Portuguese version of Revolve has Aaron reflecting on a few of his creative projects over the years. Topics include: Portuguese version of Revolve, writing, creative projects, ADDTV video, Aaron is Jeff Censored |
Sun, 3 October 2021
Aaron talks a bit about Michael A. Aquino, and his book MindWar. A self-published book that has surprisingly not garnered much attention, MindWar reads very much like your standard fare conspiracy oriented paperback. topics include: Left-hand Path occultism, Church of Satan, Temple of Set, Stephen Flowers, propaganda, PSYOP, psychological operations, US Army, titles of nobility, mystique, General Paul E Vallely, QAnon, Fox News, mind, logic, consciousness, subconscious mind, electromagnetic fields, technetronics, fringe topics, conspiracy culture, JFK assassination, Iraq wars, Jose Delgado, Persinger's God Helmet, spectrum of light, hypnosis, magic, mentalism, flaming sword symbolism, original form of Tai Chi deadly, Civil Affairs, ParaPolitics, false flag terrorism
Direct download: Bonus_Podcast_043_clip_Book_Notes_MindWar.mp3
Category:Bonus Podcast clip -- posted at: 12:42am EDT |