Mon, 26 April 2021
You never know what will happen when you’re eating breakfast in Palm Springs. Plastic bags for lumber might almost be as big a problem as impending cyber attacks, but who can be sure? topics include: Southern California, media professionals, right-wing political personalities, Randy Economy, Katie Hopkins, Repeal Newsome, Caitlyn Jenner, celebrity, virtue signaling of all stripes, Home Depot lumber in small plastic bags, cyber security, WEF plan if cyber attack happens, Q Into the Storm, QAnon, internet forums, message board culture, social media
Mon, 19 April 2021
Transhumanism As A Worldwide Death and Rebirth Ritual, The Age of Transitions Bonus Podcast #039 clip
Chapter 9 of Revolve: Man's Scientific Rise to Godhood is titled "A Worldwide Death and Rebirth Ritual". Upon the suggestion of a listener, Aaron explores the concepts presented in that chapter, here in this podcast episode. The basic premise is that the process of occult initiation can be multiplied to take place on a macrocosmic scale. Society at large can be initiated into New Life. topics include: Gnosticism, marriage contract, Chemical Marriage, Rosicrucianism, Royal Society, science, orthodox religion, evangelical reactionary thinking, consciousness, occult initiation, cults, secret societies, Left-Hand Path, Lucifer, hive mind, technology, alchemy, birth pangs quotes, Henry Kissinger, trans words, motion, time, vibration, mysticism, philosophy, compliance, dominant minority, commerce, intangible realm of mind, limited thinking
Direct download: Bonus_Podcast_039_clip_Transhumanism_As_A_Worldwide_Death_and_Rebirth_Ritual.mp3
Category:Bonus Podcast clip -- posted at: 3:54pm EDT |
Tue, 13 April 2021
Robin calls in to the show to talk a bit about artificial wombs. topics include: transhumanism, Cold War 2.0, China, super soldiers, neural enhancement, brain chips, machine interfaces, propaganda, artificial wombs, Israel, fertility, geopolitics
Direct download: 312_Birthing_Super_Soldiers_From_Artificial_Wombs.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:44am EDT |
Sun, 4 April 2021
One of these days the Maryland state flag is going to be cancelled, but in the meantime listen to this podcast that explains why there is a bear on the California state flag. topics include: California state flag, bear, Callisto, mother bear, symbolism, fertility, alchemy, occult, astronomy, Orange County, Saint Germain, cults, fraternal orders, secret societies, philosophy, historical figures, CUT in Malibu |