Tue, 30 November 2021
We are waging war upon ourselves to no end. Now more than ever, but the du jour divisive topics can take a back seat to the old standby of Science vs Religion. If the two sides of this argument took a moment to reflect, they might see that their supposed rival is a bit like they are. topics include: vacation holiday time, reading, divide and conquer, science, religion, astronomy, space, black holes, supermassive black holes, suns, occult religion, light and darkness, meditation
Direct download: Bonus_Podcast_045_clip_Black_Hole_Mysticism.mp3
Category:Bonus Podcast clip -- posted at: 6:37pm EDT |
Wed, 10 November 2021
We keep getting told how vulnerable we are to cyber attacks. This seems to be the build up to a coming shift in Cold War 2.0, which will put priority into this sphere only after actual cyber attacks happen. Topics include: books, independent media landscape, Cold War 2.0, China, artificial intelligence, data, converging technologies, DIU, Silicon Valley and MIC, tech industry, DoD, defense spending, NSCAI, slow speed of defense contracts, rapid pace of tech development, privacy, War on Terror, post 9/11 world, national security, Anduril, old special interests, cyber security, cyber terrorism, false flags, internet, media convergence, social media history, Boomerbook, conspiracy culture gone mainstream on social media, identity politics, Ai in stock market, virtualization of everyday life, metaverse, billionaires living out childhood fantasies
Direct download: 336_Cyber_Security_War_On_Terror_Upgrade.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:05pm EDT |
Mon, 1 November 2021
Facebook has rebranded in their pursuit of building the metaverse. While hilarious, this is also incredibly troubling as we can clearly see the reality of the virtual world being constructed all around us. Topics include: Facebook rebrand to Meta, metaverse, virtual worlds, technology companies, Mark Zuckerberg, Google, internal document leaks, big data, machine learning, surveillance capitalism, information as a product, narrow artificial intelligence, surveillance, AGI, Singularity religion, Peter Thiel, Palantir, Communist totalitarian technology, facial recognition, intelligence agencies, cryptocurrency, Libertarian ideology, hypocrisy, government funding for tech, China, post 9/11 world, update to War on Terror, homegrown extremists, cyber threats, China’s massive wasteful public works projects, retail store of the future, augmented reality, experience design, smartphone integrated with store, virtual reality, stores like game arcades, Fourth Industrial Revolution, pandemic shopping boom, sustainability, environmentalist capitalism, confusion of our day
Direct download: 335_Communist_Metaverse_Surveillance_Ai.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:31pm EDT |