The Age of Transitions
Author and digital filmmaker Aaron Franz hosts this podcast about transhumanism, social manipulation, the occult, and much more.

Life extension often becomes a forgotten transhumanist area of research, but major investment is now happening in the field. Are billionaires putting their money down in an effort to attain eternal life?

Topics: desert house completion, Jeff Bezos, Altos Labs, life extension, biological reprogramming, cell rejuvenation, billionaire investors, converging technologies, Greenland Shark, Batman movies, Sunset Boulevard, film noir

Direct download: 351_Billions_Bet_on_Life_Extension.mp3
Category:emerging technologies -- posted at: 11:59pm EDT

A meandering stream of consciousness inspired by the slings and arrows of daily life in our crazy world.

Topics: everyday life, socioeconomics, existential dilemmas, homelessness, rationalization, slang, social media, senselessness of modern world, dominant minority hoard wealth, stress, disposable income, money and motivation podcast, everything numbered, alternative social movements in the near future, strength, Nothing But Trouble, New Jersey Turnpike, Dan Aykroyd, Jimmy James Fan Club, Pennsylvania, paranormal and spiritualism, The Burbs, Quentin Tarantino, Once Upon aTime in Hollywood, foot fetish, 70s, Lara in Spain

Direct download: 350_Just_Living_Day_to_Day.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:44pm EDT

With a new organized labor movement gaining traction, what will happen as human labor becomes more and more obsolete?

Topics include: listener support, social media presence, labor unions, work, automation, deglobalization, robotics, machine learning, industry, customer experience, rapid change, majority stock holders, wealth going to top minority, American Factory documentary, China, nuclear family, human social organization, civilization, greed, war, heat, American Exceptionalism

Direct download: 349_Automated_Labor_Union.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:02am EDT

Aaron takes some time to consider his own motivations for making digital media. 

Topics include: making online media, content creators, listenership and playing the numbers game, procuring guests, hard work of Chuck Ochelli, virtual worlds, internet space, augmented reality, tangible world, extremely online youth, finally recognizing dangers of technological progress, base desires fulfilled online, being part of the problem, human weaknesses, machine coming to life, personal life, making life easy

Direct download: Bonus_Podcast_046_clip_Motivations.mp3
Category:Bonus Podcast clip -- posted at: 1:25am EDT

Electricity is one of many natural phenomena that have been altered by human artifice. 

Topics include: April Fool’s Day, Tarot Fool, life changes, optimism, self reflection, Democratization of Media, online media distribution, content creators, advertisement, arrogance, news cycle, Jordan Maxwell, ideals and realities, electricity, natural and artificial worlds, lighting, arc flash, Zeus myths, Humvee electrocution, risk at work, bonus podcasts

Direct download: 348_Artificial_Lightning.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:44pm EDT