Mon, 26 October 2020
Pearse Redmond returns to the show to help us all take a look around at the strange place we find ourselves in now. QAnon has come a long way since the days that Pearse and Robbie Martin would talk about it on a weekly basis. American foreign policy has taken a political backseat as Trumpism focuses in on all things domestic. topics include: 2020 election, alternative media, conspiracy culture, chemtrails, new kinds of conspiracy theory, QAnon, mainstream media, internet forums, FBI involvement in domestic extremism, terrorism, Islamic terrorism no longer the focus, militia movement
Direct download: 292_Pearse_Redmond_interview_Uncertain_Times.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:13am EDT |
Mon, 19 October 2020
A stream of consciousness show continues along the same path as it was already traveling in when Aaron’s friend Josie J calls in. Thoughts on alchemy, consciousness and current affairs. topics include: perception, narrative, realm of the mind, intangible, women’s work and child’s play, performance art, streaming, quarantine life of Covid, Hollywood prodcuctions, Los Angeles, Marfa Texas, XFF Extreme Futurist Festival, New World Fest |
Thu, 15 October 2020
Transhumanists have said they want to pursue “paradise engineering.” Enduring a little pain is far too much to meet the ideal of their abolitionist movement. What shadows are there to be found in their enlightened world? BLTC Research, paradise engineering, genetic engineering, artificial wombs, eugenics, brain implants, James Olds, pleasure centers of brain, reproduction, population control, Walter Rudolph Hess, Walter Penfield, Jose Delgado, Office of Naval Intelligence, Yale, WTA, Transhumanist FAQ 2003, posthuman, transhuman, nanotech, super intelligence, virtual reality, mind uploading, individual freedom, sustainability, going beyond Nature, occult, esoteric symbolism, life extension, history, Anders Sandberg, James Hughes, Mike LaTorra, globalization, Digital Serfs and Cyborg Buddhas, technological unemployment, Universal Basic Income, wage slavery, transcranial magnetic stimulation, Michael Persinger God Helmet, Nick Bostrom, Wisdom of Nature, evolution, birth canal too small for larger brain size, Philosopher’s Stone, alchemy, coal to diamond
Direct download: Bonus_Podcast_34_clip_Paradise_Engineers_Digital_Serfing_to_the_Promised_Land.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:01pm EDT |
Wed, 14 October 2020
In a time of constant outrage, it can be difficult to see the forest through the trees. Trump may well have transformed into a super villain, but it is his legions of followers and their actions which will be the developing story in regard to the ongoing War on Terror. topics include: presidential election, Trump not broadening his appeal, fringe media, home grown terrorism, right-wing extremism, White Nationalism, narratives, truth movement, Q Anon
Direct download: 290_Fringe_Right_Becoming_What_They_Fear.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:48pm EDT |
Sun, 4 October 2020
Winston Conrad of the Mystery School Comics Group is back on the show. His new comic “We Belong to the Night” is the first of what will be an ongoing series, and is the center of the discussion at hand. topics include: Washington DC, comics, art, line work, color, writing, anxiety, faith, Germany, Old World, story telling, occult, magic, nature, the Huntsmen, night time, characters, civilized world, nuance, no protagonist, werewolf and witch trials, story within a story
Direct download: 289_Winston_Conrad_interview_We_Belong_to_the_Night_comic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:38pm EDT |