Wed, 30 May 2018
Aaron shares some of his thoughts on the psycho-social phenomenon known as the Midlife Crisis. From observations of daily life to occult implications, this episode covers a lot of ground. topics include: midlife crisis, mid-life, aging, genders, men, Elliot Jacques, creative genius, life begins at 40, Daniel Levinson, distressed suburbanite, cliches, adultery, depression, Western Culture, reverence of youth, 1960s sexual revolution, family, generational change, Anton LaVey, social norms, psychology, attraction to young women, reliving your past, occult, vitality, androgyny, marriage, bond, alchemy, coming to know the opposite sex, maturity, teeny bop music, creative power, conception, religion, the Bible, war of the sexes, meaning in life
Direct download: Bonus_Podcast_008_clip_The_Midlife_Crisis.mp3
Category:Bonus Podcast clip -- posted at: 3:03pm EDT |
Thu, 24 May 2018
Author, Calum Chace returns to the show to talk some more about what he calls The Economic Singularity. The world economy is likely in the first stages of a huge wave of automation brought on by advances in artificial intelligence. topics include: artificial intelligence, writing, technological unemployment, Twitter, keeping debate civil, deriving meaning from careers, evolution, science, deep learning, AGI, DeepMind, China, surveillance, government and private industry, engineering problems, space exploration, transhumanism, mind uploading
Direct download: 187_Calum_Chace_interview_The_Automation_of_The_Working_World.m4a
Category:interview -- posted at: 2:07pm EDT |
Fri, 18 May 2018
Author Joseph L Flatley comes on to talk about his new novel, Sirhan or The Hallucinatory Vanguard. The book offers a unique take on conspiracy culture, history, and the strange times in which we live. You can find it on Amazon and at Joseph's website. topics include: Joseph L Flatley, Sirhan or The Hallucinatory Vanguard, conspiracy culture, unusual people, writing, The Healing Church, cannabis, Pittsburgh, street protests, cults, new journalism, fiction, history, satire, Mad Magazine, open carry firearms, political extremists, videos, Corey Feldman, State College PA, punk rock, government spooks, assassinations, strangeness of everyday life, fake news, fringe ideas made mainstream, YouTube channels, mind control, hypnosis, self publishing, life in mid twenties, substance abuse, the Amish
Direct download: 186_Joseph_L_Flatley_interview_Sirhan_or_The_Hallucinatory_Vanguard_novel.mp3
Category:interview -- posted at: 12:15am EDT |
Fri, 11 May 2018
Pearse Redmond returns to Trans Resister Radio to tell tales from his recent trip to Ireland. He and Aaron discuss the powerful mystique of ancient sites such as Newgrange. topics include: Pearse Redmond, Ireland, whiskey distilleries, Newgrange, Dingle, prehistory, tourism, Hill of Tara, Stone of Destiny, underground, Winter Solstice, awe, mystery, pagan religion, history, myth, attaching your own agenda to ancient mysteries, racism, British Israelites, Ark of the Covenant, open mind, state sponsored media, cults, Open Minds Foundation, Holy Grail, trauma
Direct download: 185_Pearse_Redmond_interview_Irish_Mysteries_and_Whiskeys.mp3
Category:interview -- posted at: 11:50pm EDT |
Sat, 5 May 2018
Winston Conrad is an attorney, artist and podcaster. Here, he talks a bit about his thoughts on how law relates to magic and the occult. topics include: Winston Conrad, law, magic, occult, knights, suits, swords, wands, Tarot, Freemasonry, advocate, authority, secret societies, Ancient Greece, America, guilds, black robes, bar, esquire, talismans, legal documents, ID cards, rituals, incantations, Africa, Voodoo, immigration, Haiti, street gangs, zombies, Justice, vampires, animals with government jobs, talking heads
Direct download: 184_Winston_Conrad_interview_Occult_Aspects_of_the_Law.mp3
Category:interview -- posted at: 9:59pm EDT |
Tue, 1 May 2018
This Bonus Podcast episode of Trans Resister Radio picks up from the last Themes & Memes review of Black Mirror season 3. Specifically, the episode entitled San Junipero. In reading up on left hand path occultism, Aaron found some connections to transhumanism and to this episode of Black Mirror. topics include: Themes and Memes, Black Mirror, San Junipero, left hand path occultism, transhumanism, Satanism, Anton LaVey, philosophy, artificial systems, virtual worlds, controlled society, sexuality, fetishistic sex, sex dolls, Sixth Phase Satanism, Petagonal Revisionism, androids, technology, Pleasure Domes, vacation, Futurism, serpent, symbolism, original sin, Lucifer, Eve, Erotic Crystallization Inertia, immortality, time, the Reaper, Death, Stephen Edred Flowers, understanding the world
Direct download: Bonus_Podcast_007_clip_Laveyan_Satanic_Symbolism_in_San_Junipero_Episode_of_Black_Mirror.mp3
Category:Bonus Podcast clip -- posted at: 4:11pm EDT |