The Age of Transitions
Author and digital filmmaker Aaron Franz hosts this podcast about transhumanism, social manipulation, the occult, and much more.

Musician and author Sand Sheff comes on Trans Resister Radio to talk about his book Real is Good. Technology advances at an exponential rate as a great story unfolds. What is the key to understanding this story, and who exactly is the story-teller? These sorts of questions and more and explored in this interview.

Topics include: technology, society, spiritual experiences, mass mind manipulation, implantable technology, science fiction, transhumanism, Kurweil, Dmitry Itskof, Michio Kaku, Lewis Mumford, religion and science, belief systems, power structures, free will, Real is Good, What the Fire Said, storytelling, fire, light, centralization, mimicking nature, computer network, Singularity, Google, specialization, IT, language, net, web, Apple, the Law, robotic infrastructure, automated tyranny, mass production, the idea and the choice, spiritual revival movements, survival instinct, the Great Revulsion, cognitive dissonance, consciousness, Ai, Mt St Helens, Bill Gates, Microsoft, Bellevue WA, IBM

Direct download: 127_Sand_Sheff_interview_Real_is_Good.mp3
Category:interview -- posted at: 4:50pm EDT

Tom Secker comes back on Trans Resister Radio to have a discussion with Aaron about leaving YouTube. Both Tom and Aaron have decided to ditch their channels, and they list off a number of their reasons for doing so here.





Topics include: YouTube, Google, content creators, Vimeo, copyright infringement, flagged, 7/7 Crime and Prejudice, community guidelines, user interface, Google Plus, Facebook, Google Video, abusive relationship, CIA, social experimentation via internet, free market, regulation, corporate fascism, alternative video sharing websites, iTunes, music industry, ads, Deep Mining Corporation, The Age of Transitions, user generated content, selling private information, overvalued stock, intelligence value, dark alchemy, Youtube Exodus Project, view count, addiction, channel surfing, TV, sensationalism, transhumanism, human relationships, attention, alienation, comments, virtual reality, Ray Kurzweil, Ai

Direct download: 126_Tom_Secker_interview_Leaving_YouTube.mp3
Category:interview -- posted at: 12:09am EDT


JP Sears is the creator of the hilarious Ultra Spiritual Life series of videos on Youtube. A satire of the new age, these videos are more than just entertainment. They are also a form of therapy. In this interview JP explains that they offer him a chance to deal with some of the aspects of his own shadow-side.

Topics include: Youtube channel, emotional healing, Ultra Spiritual Life, satire, comedy, spiritual seekers, shadow, meditation, yoga, being too serious, disconnection from self, spirituality, dogma, sense of control, gray area, mystery, ego, sense of safety, sense of self, rebirth, journey, finding meaning, ayahuasca, addiction, Carl Jung, soul, feelings, Southern California, progressive shadow, futility of debate, vegetarianism, gluten, power of viewer, art, acceptance, external and internal world, perfection, creativity, higher purpose

Direct download: 125_JP_Sears_interview_Ultra_Spiritual_Life.mp3
Category:interview -- posted at: 4:22pm EDT