The Age of Transitions
Author and digital filmmaker Aaron Franz hosts this podcast about transhumanism, social manipulation, the occult, and much more.

Winston Conrad returns to Trans Resister Radio. Here, he gives a bit of his background working as an attorney. The many strange nuances between the political and legal worlds, and Winston’s new 5in5 podcast are focal points of the conversation.

topics include: law, law school, New York City post 9/11, civil rights, immigration, legalization of narcotics, right and left wing viewpoints, podcasting

Direct download: 205_WInston_Conrad_interview_Law_Politics_and_Something_More.mp3
Category:interview -- posted at: 9:57pm EDT

In this episode, Aaron is replaced by a machine. The first half of the show is dictated by Hostbot 3000. After that, Aaron returns to give his commentary on Newt Gingrich’s concept of The Age of Transitions.

topics include: The Age of Transitions, Newt Gingrich, technology, nanotech, future, politics, government, Donald Trump, 2016 presidential campaign

Direct download: 204_RoboNewt_Age_of_Transitions_Analysis.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:17pm EDT

In this post-Trump era politics has taken a turn for the strange, violent, and entertaining.  We, the people, love engaging content, but where do we draw the line when it comes to serious issues? Have we collectively lost our mind? 

topics include: iTunes reviews, PA governors race, Tom Wolf, Wagner, golf spikes, professional wrestling, Juggalos, ICP, Gathering of the Juggalos, ADDTV, Donald Trump, comedy and politics, 2016 presidential race, law and order, authoritarian takeover, martial law, partisan politics, divisive issues, arguing in place of debate, real change

On this episode of Trans Resister Radio Aaron and his producer Chuck Ochelli return to their conversation on the occult meanings of heavy metal lyrics. Songs by Death, Dio and Danzig are analyzed along with many other fun tangential things along the way. 

topics include: heavy metal, left-hand path occultism, Manowar, silliness vs seriousness, light, fire

Direct download: 202_More_and_More_Metal_Talk.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:06pm EDT