Mon, 20 February 2023
Good for nothing but predicting an all too predictable future.
Topics include: letting people down, staying offline, Eric Schmidt, DOD, technology, motorcycles playing loud music, Rocky movies, Survivor, JFK assassination, Richard Belzer, crime and traumatic TV series, Infowars Junior, establishment MIC moves slow, future cyber terror event, digitized economy, propaganda, China will be blamed, legislation to speed up military spending in Silicon Valley, cyber security
Direct download: 377_When_Eric_Schmidt_Says_I_Told_You_So.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:05pm EDT |
Tue, 14 February 2023
Pondering some of the philosophical and esoteric aspects of artificial intelligence. Topics include: advertising on Ochelli Radio Network, not being online, impossible to keep up, technological progress, automation, genetics history tied to eugenics, general public leery of science, cults, secret societies, AI systems, black holes, mysticism, religion vs science, philosophy, no absolutes, quantum theory, alchemy, artistic process, consciousness, creative power, godhood, AGI or narrow AI, Buddha at peace |