The Age of Transitions (book notes)
Author and digital filmmaker Aaron Franz hosts this podcast about transhumanism, social manipulation, the occult, and much more.

The final episode of book notes on Tragedy and Hope. Aaron finishes up reading from his notes, and gives some added commentary on the book as a whole.

topics include: China, traditional society, agrarian reform, communism, anomie, Greek thought, MIC, ideological warfare, free energy, controlled conflict, liberalism, party politics, petty-bourgeois, Eastern Establishment, government-dependent corporations, old money, middle-class outlook, US education system, literature, Ernest Hemingway, Barry Goldwater, psychodynamics of family, private schools, doctors, irrational vs rational thought, sovereignty

Direct download: 134_Tragedy_and_Hope_book_notes_part_5.mp3
Category:book notes -- posted at: 12:29pm EDT

This is the fourth installment in a podcast series of book notes. Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope is the book. Aaron Franz is your host as he reads from his notes and gives his commentary on this very important historical work. 


topics include: Cold War, cover wars, CIA, intelligence agencies, guerrilla warfare, US, Soviet Union, John Foster Dulles, neo-isolationists, Carroll Quigley, Atomic Bomb, Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung, China, Chiang Kai Shek, communism, National Security Act, National Security Council, MIC, NATO, McCarthyism, HUAC, secrecy, open source intelligence, counterintelligence, disinformation, confusion, tax exempt fortunes, Foundations, elite families, JP Morgan, control of academia, Ivy League, Wall Street, Carnegie, Whitney, Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Mellon, Duke, DuPont, Ford, inheritance tax, control of federal government, infiltration of radical leftwing politics, New Republic magazine, Payne Whitney, Mike Straight, George Peabody, Lamont, Institute of Pacific Relations, IPR, New York, Far East studies, Lionel Curtis, Roundtable Group, Lord Milner, international banking fraternity, front organizations, Royal Institute of International Affairs, RIIA, Council on Foreign Relations, CFR, Versailles Peace Conference, London, Jerome Greene, General Motors, Eisenhower, USAF, Oppenheimer, secret police, great purges, collective farms, agro-towns, revolts, inefficiency of Soviet system, Khrushchev, Titoism, Stalinism, public corporations, Yugoslavia, Eastern Europe, de-Stalinization, Japan, Southeast Asia, Ho Chi Minh, corruption, Mossadegh, Iran, AIOC, oil cartel, Allen Dulles, military dictatorships, Zionism, Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt, Cuban Missile Crisis, Latin America, ideas, values, Brazil, birthrates, Arab culture, Guatemala, United Fruit, Bay of Pigs

Direct download: 133_Tragedy_and_Hope_book_notes_part_4.mp3
Category:book notes -- posted at: 12:59pm EDT

This is the third installment of book notes for Quigley's Tragedy and Hope. In this podcast series Aaron goes through his notes on this infamous history book. 

topics include: international banking, Rothschild, Paribas, Lille-Lyons Axis, France, Rockefeller, JP Morgan, FDR, economics, New Deal, deficit spending, national debt, pluralist economy, technocracy, Russia, China, Chiang Kai-Shek, communism, Britain, Round Table Group, RIIA, Spanish Civil War, propaganda, Germany, WWII, British appeasement to Germany, America, UN organizations set up before war's end, German slave labor, allied bombing of Germany, Office of Scientific Research and Development, Atom Bomb, cybernetics, Manhattan Project, General Leslie R Groves, no actual nuclear secrets, FBI, technological society, fall of democracy 

Direct download: 132_Tragedy_and_Hope_book_notes_part_3.mp3
Category:book notes -- posted at: 10:51pm EDT

Aaron continues his series of book notes on Quigley's Tragedy and Hope. The infamous Milner Group is mentioned here as well as more info on international banking.

topics include: history, British Empire, John Ruskin, Rothschild, Alfred Beit, De Beers, Cecil Rhodes, Roundtable Group, Milner Group, Africa, Gandhi, Lionel Curtis, occult religion, death and rebirth, India, China, farming, industrialization, revolutionary secret societies, Japan, Meiji oligarchy, Shintoism, the Genro, Council of Elder Statesmen, Russia, Triple Alliance, Triple Entente, Balfour Declaration, Lusitania, WWI, propaganda, Council of Ten, peace conferences, Versailles, international bankers, Germany, reparations, Bank of International Settlements, Montagu Norman, Benjamin Strong, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Stalin, Five Year Plans, collectivism, reign of terror, Prussia, joint stock banks, I.G. Farben, financial and credit institutions

Direct download: 131_Tragedy_and_Hope_book_notes_part_2.mp3
Category:book notes -- posted at: 4:16pm EDT


Carroll Quigley's massive historical tome, Tragedy and Hope, has been much quoted in the conspiracy/alternative research community. There is good reason for this as the occult world of international banking is presented in some detail in this book. In this new podcast series, Aaron reads from his notes on Tragedy and Hope.





topics include: GSG and Associates, San Pedro, Carroll Quigley, history, central banks, book quotes, macrohistory, Evolution of Civilizations, Great Britain, economics, bankers, Europe, Russia, Germany, Meyer Amschel Rothschild, JP Morgan, George Peabody and Company, dynastic bloodlines, private banks, eschatology, Turkey, Saxe-Coburg Gotha, Baghdad Railway Project, oil

Direct download: 130_Tragedy_and_Hope_book_notes_part_1.mp3
Category:book notes -- posted at: 1:00am EDT