The Age of Transitions (general)
Author and digital filmmaker Aaron Franz hosts this podcast about transhumanism, social manipulation, the occult, and much more.

New innovations come with unforeseen consequences. These problems are one thing, but what makes matters worse is the complete and utter denial that such problems even exist. It is in this way that we are all left on the dark side of a horrible multiplication.


topics include: Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society, Unabomber, news, media, politics, advertizing, vested special interest groups, drugs, vaccines, lack of debate, public relations.

Direct download: 109_The_Cascade_Effect.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:42pm EDT

Trans Resister Radio has switched over to a new RSS feed. Aaron gives you the details on the new feed, how to subscribe, and more details on the podcast. He even spends some time rambling about a few odd ideas.

topics include: new RSS feed, new iTunes subscription, quality over quantity, workaday world, clearing your head, website, Themes and Memes, new podcast, intangibles, digital media, internet, creating media, youngsters, philosophy

Direct download: 107_New_podcast_feed_for_Trans_Resister_Radio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:38am EDT

The Under the Sun series continues on Trans Resister Radio. This installment is an exploration of the occult significance of Saturn. Saturn figures prominently in creation myths as he is the Father God. Other important aspects of Saturn have to do with time, death, the harvest, and the Mineral Kingdom.


Topics discussed in this episode include: Saturn, Cosmic Mind, Ain Soph, creation myths, light and dark, black, father god, golden age, Uranus, heaven and earth, form, matter, Caaba stone, stone, rock, Mineral Kingdom, Great Work, foundation, bone, rough ashlar, alchemy, putrefaction, death, Grim Reaper, scythe, harvest, seed, time, bell, square, cube, androgyny, Urania, goddess, male and female creative principles, Crone, the Destroyer, nature, law, spirit, light, motion, vibration, life, atoms, sound, skeleton, evolution, Osiris, mneumonic memory, science, transhumanism

The Under the Sun series returns to Trans Resister Radio. This is the first of five new episodes which will delve into various aspects of the Ancient Mystery Tradition. On this show Aaron recounts a personal story concerning the occult concept of the Absolute. Is it possible to imagine a total lack of any thing, to somehow encounter no thing?


Topics discussed in this episode include: occult studies, mind, madness, transcendence, mortality, death, nothing, philosophy, the Absolute, the Void, Ain Soph, unmanifested light, Kabbalah, creation, mystery,  esoteric, creation myths, secret societies, observer, looking at things from different angles

Direct download: 101_Under_the_Sun_episode_6_Nothing_at_All.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:24pm EDT