The Age of Transitions
Author and digital filmmaker Aaron Franz hosts this podcast about transhumanism, social manipulation, the occult, and much more.

Aaron talks a bit about Michael A. Aquino, and his book MindWar. A self-published book that has surprisingly not garnered much attention, MindWar reads very much like your standard fare conspiracy oriented paperback.

topics include: Left-hand Path occultism, Church of Satan, Temple of Set, Stephen Flowers, propaganda, PSYOP, psychological operations, US Army, titles of nobility, mystique, General Paul E Vallely, QAnon, Fox News, mind, logic, consciousness, subconscious mind, electromagnetic fields, technetronics, fringe topics, conspiracy culture, JFK assassination, Iraq wars, Jose Delgado, Persinger's God Helmet, spectrum of light, hypnosis, magic, mentalism, flaming sword symbolism, original form of Tai Chi deadly, Civil Affairs, ParaPolitics, false flag terrorism

Direct download: Bonus_Podcast_043_clip_Book_Notes_MindWar.mp3
Category:Bonus Podcast clip -- posted at: 12:42am EDT