The Age of Transitions
Author and digital filmmaker Aaron Franz hosts this podcast about transhumanism, social manipulation, the occult, and much more.

The keynote speaker at the RNC gave a surprise scripted speech, but was sure to pile on plenty of anti-China sentiment for his fans. There appears to be a war going on, and it is mostly taking place in the virtual sphere. We should all look to emerging technologies, especially artificial intelligence, as a major driving factor in this conflict. 

topics include: bonus podcasts, Donald Trump RNC speech, US enlightening the world, stick to the script, America first, doublethink, peace through violence, defense spending, Neocon ideology, anti China sentiment, artificial intelligence, machine learning, technological revolution, AI powered influence campaigns, propaganda, micro targeting demographics, big data, Twitter as a consciousness sensor, analytics, creating viral content, YouTube videos, digital life, Kyle Rittenhouse, influencers, International Business Machines, computer files, Zach Miller, Dr Dog, online echo chambers, social media, evolutionary psychology, media selectively crafts narrative

Direct download: 284_RNC_Machine_Learning_and_Our_Digital_Influencers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:14pm EDT

Those who most rigidly follow the rules do so in hopes that those rules are an accurate metric for gauging reality. The truth of the matter lies far beyond these confines. Just as a small insect can fly easily through the massive gap in a wire fence, so too can we breeze through the confines that so many others try to enforce upon us in this world. 

topics include: truth, independent media, human needs, finding meaning, consciousness, mind, philosophy, human history and prehistory, foreseeing the future, clarity, happiness, prison

Direct download: 283_Rules_Meant_to_be_Broken.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:21pm EDT

After some much need R&R, Aaron Returns to talk about the Military Industrial Complex. America is now its military through and through. Things weren’t always this way, but they have been for some time to be sure. 

topics include: Washington DC, Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, aerospace industry, technology, flight, esoteric side of man’s quest to fly, Icarus, left ring paradigm, Covid mask wearing a partisan issue, USPS, Trump crony Postmaster General

Direct download: 282_Wright_Flying_Too_Close_To_The_Sun.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EDT

 gathering of aimless wanderers and information seekers happens on this week’s show. 

topics include: walking around where no one is, city, Columbus Ohio, downtown, Newport Music Hall, Minneapolis Minnesota, George Floyd, police taking early retirement, protests, umbrella man identity

Direct download: 281_Wanderers_Unite.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:37pm EDT