The Age of Transitions
Author and digital filmmaker Aaron Franz hosts this podcast about transhumanism, social manipulation, the occult, and much more.

We urgently need your help to get the Ochelli Radio Network back up and running in time for Uncle's New Year's Revolution. The show will air live at 11pm EST on December 31. Our producer, Chuck Ochelli had his computer break last week. With a few donations he will be able to buy a new one and get the network back up and running. Please help by sending him a donation today. Go to and make a one time donation. Thank you, and we will see you on New Year's Eve. 

Direct download: 256_Donate_to_Ochelli_dot_com_Today.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:03am EDT

Aaron makes a special solo show. Preparations are being made for Uncle's New Year's Revolution. Please help make the Revolution happen by going to and sending a one time donation to our producer, Chuck Ochelli. His computer broke down, and he needs a new one to make the Revolution happen. We don't need to raise much money to pull this off, so please show your support. 

Direct download: 255_How_To_Relax.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:12am EDT

The Conspirosphere is an ever-changing environment, but is the conspiracy the conspiracy? 

topics include: New Years Eve, live radio, Patreon, Ai, Atlantic Council, RAND Corporation, think tanks, white papers, Bohemian Grove, A Relative Advantage, conspiracy theory, alternative research, Post Truth, Trump, MAGA, conservative movements, John Birch Society, Truth Movement

Direct download: 254_The_Conspiracy_is_the_Conspiracy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:49pm EDT

The first in what will be a series of podcasts on The Age of Transitions, primarily on Patreon. 

Direct download: Bonus_Podcast_clip_026_War_of_the_Sexes_part1.mp3
Category:Bonus Podcast clip -- posted at: 3:59pm EDT

What a strange environment we all populate in this transitory time that is the Age of Transitions. Mansions in Yorba Linda have a short shelf life as they can’t live up to the expectations of new owners. Meanwhile, the plebes who build up such estates by simply going to the dollar store continue doing what they need to do to survive. 

topics include: Miami police shooting UPS driver, delivering packages, televised police chases, violence on television, internet media, MSM covering up reality, Yorba Linda, Orange County, class distinctions, nouveou riche, spectacle, mansions, 91 freeway, house on hill, upper middle class, filming location, NFL wedding reception, cul de sac, suburbia, Awesome Products, LA, dollar store, homeless, Riverside, wealth, poverty, disparity, sociology, psychology, neurosis of the pursuit of wealth

Direct download: 253_Yorba_Linda_Mansion_on_the_Hill.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:15pm EDT