The Age of Transitions (bonus podcast clip)
Author and digital filmmaker Aaron Franz hosts this podcast about transhumanism, social manipulation, the occult, and much more.

Aaron takes some time to consider his own motivations for making digital media. 

Topics include: making online media, content creators, listenership and playing the numbers game, procuring guests, hard work of Chuck Ochelli, virtual worlds, internet space, augmented reality, tangible world, extremely online youth, finally recognizing dangers of technological progress, base desires fulfilled online, being part of the problem, human weaknesses, machine coming to life, personal life, making life easy

Direct download: Bonus_Podcast_046_clip_Motivations.mp3
Category:Bonus Podcast clip -- posted at: 1:25am EDT

We are waging war upon ourselves to no end. Now more than ever, but the du jour divisive topics can take a back seat to the old standby of Science vs Religion. If the two sides of this argument took a moment to reflect, they might see that their supposed rival is a bit like they are. 

topics include: vacation holiday time, reading, divide and conquer, science, religion, astronomy, space, black holes, supermassive black holes, suns, occult religion, light and darkness, meditation

Direct download: Bonus_Podcast_045_clip_Black_Hole_Mysticism.mp3
Category:Bonus Podcast clip -- posted at: 6:37pm EDT

Aaron talks a bit about Michael A. Aquino, and his book MindWar. A self-published book that has surprisingly not garnered much attention, MindWar reads very much like your standard fare conspiracy oriented paperback.

topics include: Left-hand Path occultism, Church of Satan, Temple of Set, Stephen Flowers, propaganda, PSYOP, psychological operations, US Army, titles of nobility, mystique, General Paul E Vallely, QAnon, Fox News, mind, logic, consciousness, subconscious mind, electromagnetic fields, technetronics, fringe topics, conspiracy culture, JFK assassination, Iraq wars, Jose Delgado, Persinger's God Helmet, spectrum of light, hypnosis, magic, mentalism, flaming sword symbolism, original form of Tai Chi deadly, Civil Affairs, ParaPolitics, false flag terrorism

Direct download: Bonus_Podcast_043_clip_Book_Notes_MindWar.mp3
Category:Bonus Podcast clip -- posted at: 12:42am EDT

Aaron talks about his eczema. This condition has been a major frustration in the past Summer months. Dealing with health issues like these can be incredibly difficult, but important to do. 

topics include: atopic dermatitis, adult onset eczema, dry skin, intense itch, best lotions to use, finding triggers, food allergies, diet, gluten free diet, losing sleep, anxiety, stress, mental and physical health

Direct download: Bonus_Podcast_042_clip_Living_With_Eczema.mp3
Category:Bonus Podcast clip -- posted at: 5:49pm EDT

Chapter 9 of Revolve: Man's Scientific Rise to Godhood is titled "A Worldwide Death and Rebirth Ritual". Upon the suggestion of a listener, Aaron explores the concepts presented in that chapter, here in this podcast episode. The basic premise is that the process of occult initiation can be multiplied to take place on a macrocosmic scale. Society at large can be initiated into New Life. 

topics include: Gnosticism, marriage contract, Chemical Marriage, Rosicrucianism, Royal Society, science, orthodox religion, evangelical reactionary thinking, consciousness, occult initiation, cults, secret societies, Left-Hand Path, Lucifer, hive mind, technology, alchemy, birth pangs quotes, Henry Kissinger, trans words, motion, time, vibration, mysticism, philosophy, compliance, dominant minority, commerce, intangible realm of mind, limited thinking

Adam and Aaron recorded a new episode of Themes & Memes in February. It is posted here as an exclusive to the Patreon bonus podcast feed. 

Tenet, state of entertainment media, Covid, Great Reset, Club of Rome, global tensions, US and China, ethics, technology, artificial intelligence, Elon Musk, lockdowns, changing economic system, online services, QAnon, micro-targeted influence operations, Post Truth World, propaganda, data, algorithms, mistrust of all media, privacy, Capitol siege, Alex Jones, Donald Trump rally, alternate reality games, fringe political groups, War on Terror, domestic terrorism, revolution, fringe mixed with mainstream, puppet masters, denouncing conspiracy mindset while using its very methods to prove your own point, cognitive dissonance, learning from alternative sources

Direct download: ThemesMemes_bonus_podcast_clip002Influence_Ops.mp3
Category:Bonus Podcast clip -- posted at: 10:54pm EDT

This bonus podcast episode gives you a look into Aaron's headspace at the end of this year, and moving forward with The Age of Transitions media project. It is good to be aware of the many pitfalls that surround us today, and to take advantage of unique new opportunties. 

topics include: podcasting, live streaming, independent media, fringe merging with mainstream, martial law, divide and conquer, American politics, changing political landscape, microtargeted influence campaigns, propaganda, virtual worlds, augmented reality, truth, motivation

Direct download: Bonus_Podcast_036_clip_Taking_Stock_at_the_End_of_the_Year.mp3
Category:Bonus Podcast clip -- posted at: 4:48pm EDT

Aaron continues reading from one of his notebooks that he used to write his book Revolve. Topics range from occult science to esoteric religion. According to Harvard Science Review, research into artificial wombs has been kept underground purposely, in order to avoid outrage from the public. The Book of Genesis is a deep religious alegory that is not disimilar to the Book of Tao. The topics of Transhumanism and propaganda are also covered in this episode. 

Chuck Ochelli rejoins The Age of Transitions bonus podcast stream. Here, he and Aaron retell some of their experiences being part of the "Truth Movement" that happened a decade in the past. Passing out DVDs, networking with like minds, and much more are explored in this light-hearted, but hard-hitting conversation. 

topics include: 9/11 Truth, eBay, the Obsolete Man, DVD copies of documentaries, truth groups, JFK, sharing information, meeting truther celebrities, no planers, Kevin Barrett, Jim Fetzer, Sophia Smallstorm, supportive partners, conspiracy theory, civil liberties, depression, Uncle (the podcast), average person

Direct download: Bonus_Podcast_clip_027_Chuck_Ochelli_Truther_Memoirs.mp3
Category:Bonus Podcast clip -- posted at: 2:25pm EDT

The first in what will be a series of podcasts on The Age of Transitions, primarily on Patreon. 

Direct download: Bonus_Podcast_clip_026_War_of_the_Sexes_part1.mp3
Category:Bonus Podcast clip -- posted at: 3:59pm EDT