The Age of Transitions
Author and digital filmmaker Aaron Franz hosts this podcast about transhumanism, social manipulation, the occult, and much more.

Here is the second installment of book notes on The Science of Life. You will get to enjoy all of the wonderful calls for a eugenic utopia from Julian Huxley and HG Wells. Aaron quotes directly from this little known book to help broaden your understanding of eugenics, the foundations of genetic science, and dark Social Darwinian philosophy.

topics include: health and disease, anti-vaccine movement of 1920s, social stratification, diet, sunlight, light, reproduction, ants, bees, neuters, hive mind, genetics, brain, selective breeding, biology, science, consciousness, objective and subjective reality, Monism, neurology, Behaviorism, Pavlov, association, instinct, reflex, electrical shock experiments, induction, hypnosis, education, language, dissociation, subconscious, hysteria, no true Teutonic or Aryan races, cymbolism, regression, stigmata, neurasthenia, Freud, Jung, intelligence, eugenics, peyote, privacy, religion, civilization, parapsychology, Modern Man, patriarchy, inbreeding royalty, tabu, agriculture, civilizing a native race, rigid tradition, going beyond nation state, collectivism, The Open Conspiracy, HG Wells, positive and negative eugenics, birth control, dominant minority, depopulation techniques, transhumanism, conquer nature

Direct download: Bonus_Podcast_019_clip_Book_Notes_The_Science_of_Life_pt_2.mp3
Category:Bonus Podcast clip -- posted at: 1:28pm EDT